

Welcome to my website. I am Enviro-kid, I am 10 years old, and I am trying to make a difference and help our environment in my own small way.

I’d love it if you would help too.

I’m really scared about the destruction of our planet by humans. It really frightens me.

I want to be like David Attenborough and do good in the world. So, I try doing small weekly tasks like picking up litter and wilding my garden. I also try to do a couple of bigger things each year. I have made YouTube videos, written magazines, and raised money for wildlife. You can read more below.

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This year I am raising money for Durham Wildlife Trust by completing #30DaysWild from the 1st June to the 30th June! Check out what I have been up to by clicking this link!

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On the last day of June and the last day of #30DaysWild, I will be speaking with Peter Barron, MBE, at the What Next for Tees Nature Conference.


Check out my βœ…YouTube Channelβœ…


In 2022, I won the Environmental Award at the County Durham Together Awards. I couldn’t believe it!

I was also given a Notable Eco-Hero Award by Action For Nature.


On my 9th birthday, instead of getting birthday presents or having a birthday party, I completed a sponsored silence (dude, that was hard) and raised Β£517.10 to plant trees. I gave my school a small orchard and gave trees away to local charities and my community.

You can read more about this story further down this page.




I am so pleased to announce that I have written a second edition of a FREE mini-magazine for kids. It is called Pimp Your Patch and it is all about nature, of course!

⬇You can download your copy here⬇


Contact Enviro-kid

“Many individuals are doing what they can. But real success can only come if there is a change in our societies and in our economics and in our politics” – David Attenborough

Holiday beach clean
Off on another beach clean
A lot, a lot of plastic today πŸ˜ͺ

10 ways you can help our planet:

  1. Dispose of waste properly (recycle where possible)
  2. Pick up litter
  3. Don’t use pesticides in your garden EVER!
  4. Perhaps consider eco-friendly cleaning products.
  5. Put nesting boxes in your garden (including homes for insects, birds, hedgehogs and bats)
  6. Turn off the lights when you leave the room
  7. Put on a jumper instead of the heating or let your hair dry naturally if you can
  8. Don’t kill the little beings. Rescue a spider (or bug) from your home and put it somewhere safe and warm outside
  9. Use less hairspray, deodorant spray or anything that harms the environment.
  10. Sign this petition. There are lots of children and young people like me who want change. https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/climate_action_now_loc/?cxaIDmb
One of my dreams is to want to walk in the fields with my friends and not see any litter.


I bought a bat box. We’ve put it up in our garden to support the bat population. They might be looking for a new nesting site soon. It’s that time of year. I gave it a little varnish to help protect it from the rain.


After becoming increasingly worried about our planet, I asked to do a sponsored silence instead of having a birthday party or getting gifts.

smallpeoplecanmakebigchange #plantatree #savetheplanet #silentprotest


Everyone seems to be building houses in our fields. This destroys the countryside and places valuable for nature. It also destroys trees.

Planting trees can improve our streets and give humans and wildlife sustainable resources.

I’ve been planting trees since I was little.

On 16.10.21 I was silent from 9am to 9pm to raise money for trees.

People kindly donated lots of money! πŸƒ

Thank you if you donated! #environmentalcrisis


I’ll keep litter-picking until people stop throwing away their stuff! Please stop.

Litter picking on the village green and in my local park back in 27.11.21

Take your litter home! That is all.


We have bought lots of lovely seeds to plant out towards the end of spring. I’ll keep you posted with an update in the summer. πŸ™‚

I recommend that we all buy plants which have been grown in peat-free compost from now on.

Bogs (where peat comes from) have acted as natural carbon sinks for 10,000 years but people have been taking it for their gardens. This releases harmful gas emissions into the atmosphere. It speeds up climate change. (Source Joe Sommerlad The Independent).

Every little helps

My Blue Peter Badge

Did you know that Blue Peter is encouraging us all to:

1 Plastic. Switch from plastic food wrapping to sustainable food wrapping and responsibly recycle at home.

2. Plants. Plant insect-friendly plants. Save water (turn off that tap when you brush your teeth!)

3. Power. Turn off our computers and tablets when we are finished using them.

SIMPLE TIPS! Go for it. You might even get a Climate Hero BBC Blue Peter badge like me…

I received my Blue Peter Climate Hero Badge in the post on 21.12.21. I love it! Thank you so much BBC Blue Peter.

Did you notice my Christmas tree πŸŽ„ in the background of the photo above? It is pot grown living tree. We should be able to keep it in a pot for another couple of years, and then we will plant it somewhere where it can grow even bigger.



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